B2B companies can use the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to reevalute what clients and stakeholders need, and accelerate products and services that will better serve them.
For businesses battling the COVID-19 crisis, it may be hard to envision what the world is going to look like in the future. What is clear is that uncertainty will remain constant. These insights from five CEOs on how they manage in uncertain times — which were published before the pandemic — are a reminder that resilience and agility are important drivers of success, whatever the economic and business environment.
Two years’ of interviews with CEOs from around the world reveal how leaders view the effect of technology on their workforces. For more insight, see PwC’s 23rd Annual Global CEO Survey.
How to raise the skills of your employees so that they can move successfully into the future. For further insights, read “10 principles of workforce transformation.”
A comprehensive way to build talent and fill jobs in our rapidly changing digital economy. For further insights, read “A strategist’s guide to upskilling.”
Financial services is full of customer pain points that could be resolved with the help of voice-assisted devices. For further insight, read “Banking on voice.”
The next time you’re confounded by an unexpected or confusing situation at work, use these practical strategies to move forward with greater success. For further insights, read “Three ways to demystify disappointments at work.”
Taxes are often viewed as simply a compliance issue. But what if organizations thought of taxes as a way to benefit their businesses now, and help them plan for a better future? Here, a collection of articles delves into different corners of the tax world to explain how it’s done.
Dan Cable, professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School, argues that although managers need an element of control to get results, change efforts should happen with less work and more play. For more insights, visit the Transformation Talks podcast series.
Moya Greene, former chief executive of Royal Mail, shares insights on how to approach a complex change initiative involving multiple stakeholders. For more insights, visit the Transformation Talks podcast series.
Tim Davie, CEO of BBC Studios, talks about making change efforts meaningful by involving people at every level of the process. For more insights, visit the Transformation Talks podcast series.
The monetary value of information about a single person’s online and offline activity may reach $10 a month by 2025 in the U.S. For further insights, read “Tomorrow’s Data Heroes.”
Despite all the information available about artificial intelligence — and the efforts business leaders are making to come to terms with this technology — there are still some takeaways you should consider this year. Gain additional insights with PwC’s 2019 AI Predictions.
Inside every company, people work across functions to meet their own goals and their firm’s priorities. But relationships that start out well often become adversarial over time. For more insight, read “Turning ‘Accidental Adversaries’ into Allies.”
Improvising in a structured manner will help ensure big bumps in the road don’t throw you completely off course. For more insight, read “How to Fail Successfully.”
Explore the companies that made the 2007, 2012, and 2017 high-leverage innovator lists with our interactive tool. For further insight, see What the Top Innovators Get Right.
To be a more agile leader, nurture the habits that accelerate your learning capacity and be aware of the ones that block new experiences. For more insight, see “Leaders: Break Through Your Learning Blockers.”
A quick look at the challenges faced by location-independent freelancers, and the opportunities they present for organizations. For more insight, read “Designing a Future for the Untethered Workforce.”
Scenes from Union Square Cafe as the staff gets ready to open for the day show the company’s culture of “enlightened hospitality” in action. For more insight, read “Danny Meyer’s Recipe for Success.”
A look at the artwork from the recent pages of strategy+business, on themes including overcoming bias at work, competitiveness in the age of digitization, and the ethics of CEOs.
The fear of disruption is often exaggerated. In reality, organizations that are threatened by new technologies and new players usually have more time than they realize to craft an effective response. For further insights, read “The Fear of Disruption Can Be More Damaging than Actual Disruption.”
Whether you’re sinking beneath your workload or sailing through with ease largely depends on your ability to suss out subtle challenges and turn them into opportunities.
A graphic showing why more chief executives are being ousted for ethical lapses, and some tips on how to prevent missteps. For more insight, read “Are CEOs Less Ethical Than in the Past?”
Digital technologies are changing the game even in places where you might not expect it, including how pizzas get delivered and how household appliances function. For further insights, read “Software-as-a-Catalyst.”
As s+b marks 20 years of publication, we look back (and forward) to reflect on the themes, people, and ideas that have animated two decades of original thinking. This photo gallery is part of the series of blog posts “Celebrating Two Decades of s+b.”
MIT professor Thomas Malone discusses what makes a group smart, why women can increase a group’s collective intelligence, and more in this exclusive interview with strategy+business.
Do you help bring out the best in your people or do you inadvertently hold them back from superior performance? Complete this assessment to find out.
The Story of UTCʼs Success–In Pictures
How United Technologies Corporation; — owner of Pratt & Whitney, Otis Elevator, and a wide range of other businesses; — became one of the major corporate success stories of the past two decades.
Business Opportunities in the Arctic
The earth’s northernmost regions are rich in resources. The challenge will be accessing them sustainably. This slideshow is part of the article “Is the Arctic the Next Emerging Market?
The Drone Maker's Story - in Pictures
A visual history of AeroVironment’s seemingly impossible innovations since it was founded in 1971.
Low-income markets present a prodigious opportunity for the world’s wealthiest companies — to seek their fortunes and bring prosperity to the aspiring poor.
These fundamental guidelines, drawn from experience, can help you reshape your organization to fit your business strategy. See also “A guide to organization design.”