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The Critical Few

Overhead photo of two groups of three businessmen; the groups are walking on illustrated color tiles toward the center of the image

Does your culture fit your strategy?

A big culture–strategy disconnect can be catastrophic. Only a formal assessment based on objective data can tell you if your organization is ready to transform.

August 18, 2022
A photograph of a rowing team on the water at sunrise

Culture: Transformation’s invisible enabler

Successful transformation often requires organizational culture change to make the improvements stick. Leadership teams can increase their odds by focusing on three measures.

July 12, 2022

The power of feelings at work

By aligning the pursuit of business objectives with the meeting of human needs, companies can tap into powerful emotional forces in their current cultural situations.
September 14, 2020

You can’t benchmark culture

Your company’s ideal behavioral strengths are unique, and shouldn’t be borrowed or copied — not even from a high-performance enterprise.
February 25, 2019

Managing Change in the Face of Skepticism

In companies with analytical cultures, employees are prone to rejecting change initiatives as “too squishy.” Tweaking the action plan can lead to success.
November 13, 2018

Putting Credibility First

Before embarking on transformations, executives must establish trust with employees. Following this three-step process will help.
May 24, 2016

Great teams build great cultures

People committed to common purposes and goals can change key elements of a company’s culture when they set strong ground rules that allow people to feel confident.
May 17, 2016

10 principles of organizational culture

Companies can tap their natural advantage when they focus on changing a few important behaviors, enlist informal leaders, and harness the power of employees’ emotions. 
February 15, 2016

Teaming with young guns

To attract and retain the young employees who are coming to dominate the workforce, companies should turn to a fresh take on a mature concept: teaming.
January 13, 2016