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Issue 81, Winter 2015

Cover story

  • Organizations & People

    The Fortune 500 teller

    by Lawrence M. Fisher
    Having applied the logic of physics to predict the life expectancy of biological creatures and cities, Geoffrey West is now searching for the scientific principles that dictate the life spans of companies.
  • Thought Leaders

    Bran Ferren on the Art of Innovation

    by Art Kleiner and Juliette Powell
    A celebrated proprietor of R&D ateliers explains how companies can cultivate the rare people who create miracles.


Leading Ideas


  • Consumer Products

    Navigating Retail’s Last Mile

    by Tim Laseter, Matt Egol, and Scott Bauer
    To serve online shoppers effectively, companies need to make complex trade-offs among speed, variety, and convenience.
  • Innovation

    The Frugal Way to Grow

    by Navi Radjou and Jaideep Prabhu
    Pioneering companies in mature economies are learning from emerging market companies a new way to expand their businesses.

Recent Research

  • s+b Blogs

    Don’t Sweat the Swanky Stuff

    by Matt Palmquist
    C-suite executives with criminal records in their personal lives are more likely to commit fraud than their law-abiding but free-spending counterparts.