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The Best s+b Blog Posts of 2013

Among all the terrific posts we’ve published, make sure not to miss these gems.

(originally published by Booz & Company)

We’ve been publishing blogs on for just six months, but in that time they have become one of our most popular features and helped to transform s+b into a daily, or at least frequent, destination for a great many of our readers around the globe.

Of course, we recognize it can be hard to keep up with all the wonderful ideas and meaningful advice we’ve been running here. Allow me, then, to point out a handful of my favorite s+b posts of 2013. Although it’s a shame to miss out on any of our contributors’ fabulous work, please make sure you don’t overlook this baker’s dozen, which rate among my favorite posts of the year.

Susan Cramm: Retaining Top Talent: Yes, It Really Is All about Them
If you want to retain your high-potential employees, you have to get involved in helping them plan their careers.

Ken Favaro: Is Strategy Fixed or Variable?
Successful strategists understand that their role is to manage a process fraught with contradictions.

Sally Helgesen: The Three Habits of Highly Effective Demotivators
Surefire tips for stamping out morale and making sure you get the least out of your employees.

Nick Hodson and Thom Blischok: What if Clay Christensen Is Right about the Grocery Business (and Amazon Is Wrong)?
The disruptive influences of e-commerce may finally be setting their sights on the grocery industry.

John Jullens: Why Strategy Matters in Emerging Markets After All
The argument that companies in developing regions can succeed through execution alone simply isn’t true.

Art Kleiner: Why We Should Deregulate the Government
To be effective, a government needs the same thing as a business: good management.

Frieda Klotz: What’s My Motivation? A Q&A with E. Tory Higgins
The secret to successful influence is the same as acting: Know where your character is coming from.

Eric McNulty: Let’s Just Stop Calling Them Leaders
Executives, officials, and managers should have to earn the title of “leader,” not just expect to receive it.

David Meer: What Is “Big Data,” Anyway?
A crucial first step in applying analytics is to decode the jargon.

James O’Toole: The Enduring Management Wisdom of Lincoln
Lessons for managers from a manufacturing success story.

Dave Phillips and Phil Coghlan: Why You Should Create Multiple Supply Chains
Manufacturers that take a positive view of product proliferation are better meeting the demands of their customers.

David Silverman: Audits, Auditors, and Those of Us Who Love Them
The most underappreciated of corporate functions deserves its day of praise.

And, please find it in your hearts to forgive me this last recommendation:

Paul Michelman: The Three Words that Could Save Your Business: Stop, Look, and Listen
The advice we give our children may also be the secret to corporate longevity.

Paul Michelman

Paul Michelman is editor-in-chief at Safari Books Online, and was formerly executive editor of strategy+business.