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The April issue of s+b explores the huge business potential of ecosystems, which represent a promising way to tackle big societal problems.
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Tapping ecosystems to power performance
Forward-thinking companies are reaping the benefits of working across industry boundaries. Are you ready to do the same?
by Lang Davison, Tom Archer, and Wayne Borchardt
s+b essential reading
Want to make an impact? Change your questioning habits.
Here are four ways to help employees become more reflective and more productive.
by Pia Lauritzen
We’re thrilled to announce that the inaugural season of s+b’s Take on Tomorrow podcast is nominated for a Webby Award for Best Series of 2023! Vote now to help us take home the Webby People’s Voice Award.
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The mechanics of entrepreneurship

A study of centuries of entrepreneurs shows how important collaboration and mutually reinforcing actions are to innovation.

by Tom Ehrenfeld

Closing the agile achievement gap

Despite the wide adoption of the agile method across industries and functions, most companies are barely scratching the surface of its vast potential. Business leaders can change the game by paying careful attention to seven mission-critical factors.

by Gagan Prakash and Matthew Siegel

Attention to detail matters

Whether it’s nature or nurture, being a stickler on the minutiae is a quality that benefits employees.

by Adam Bryant

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