Plus: The energy transition is headed for a generation gap
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Climate: The ultimate industry disruptor
The November issue of s+b explores how the climate crisis is already reshaping business.
s+b essential reading
How climate adaptation can both protect and grow your business
Preparing for physical climate risks can be a catalyst for companies’ innovation and growth. But first they must form a clear picture of their vulnerabilities and make a plan to manage them.
by Emma Cox, Ashok Varma, and Elliott Cappell
The Leadership Agenda
The energy transition is headed for a generation gap
To get to net-zero emissions by 2050, the world is going to have to make a massive leap forward in renewable-electricity production.
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The rise of the eco-friendly consumer

During the pandemic, people have become more sensitive to the environmental impact of their shopping decisions—and companies are responding.

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Leap to leader: Make yourself heard

In his new book, Adam Bryant shares tactics that up-and-coming leaders can use to prove they are ready for the next challenge.

by Adam Bryant

Why human resources chiefs are reaching the corner office

The ability to manage people at scale is more relevant than ever to the CEO role.

by James Ashton

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